The time is...
How would we experience time without numbers or cycles? I feel like there should be a way to connect the idea of repetition and the idea of progression without a series of numbered cycles, conceived of as mapped days on a calender. In pretending that we repeat, or mapping our desires against a repeating schedule, it is possible to think of a limited life as an unlimited, repeated occurance. Not just think, I suppose: the workweek, the day schedule, regularity are demands placed on the body that manifest themselves in a calender with days and times. Consistent, regular output requires a workforce subjecting itself to regularity. Cyclical time projects an illusion of permanence and stability onto the future, a flattening that equates one day with one day, one year with any other year. The numbering of days/months/years bind them as equal signs, demonstrate their fungibility and similarities. I want to discover a way to experience time that gives voice to the urgency of our limitations as human beings, and to embrace the inexorable march towards nowhere in particular that would allow people to embrace the timliness of any effort to overthrow whatever mode of being which oppresses us.
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