Saturday, November 25, 2006

Zarathustra Thus Far...

A lot of Zarathustra resonates with what I have been thinking about for a while

Crisis and independance. The affirmation of crisis (personal and political) means the embrace of what transforms us in these moments. In this, there is an implicit relationship to a norm that never existed - the 'secure' or 'stable' situation that much of our politics aims to restore. So, when we enter times of personal crisis, we have an opportunity to find and affirm the good in life, and to question the forms of life that produced the crisis we seek to address. I know this sounds vague. Example: being in UGA, which hasn't been great, but I wouldn't trade it in for anything else, because in the process of being here I have discovered more about myself and where I want to be in life than I would have anywhere else.

The will to power. This relates to debate. Because an empirical, universal reality cannot be proven after the death of god, our descriptions of truth and justice can only be interpreted as extensions of the will to power. Descriptions of the good or the transcendant are an extension of an individual's personal reality, and serve their individual interests. Thus, the will to describe or act on Truth is acctually a will to personal power.

Independance- this relates to previous posts about mass production and my reactions to it. I am a little but put off by the idea of my life being subject to political/economic forces beyond my control. Affirming independance is a way to transcend that.



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