Sunday, January 07, 2007

Some shit I'm nothappy with but needed to write.

The notion of the eternal return for me means the deconstruction of all fate or notions of intrinsic meaning to any action. If our reality is an iteration of infinitely repeating and varying realities, there is no reason our actions have to be meaningful, just by their occurrence. The only meaning that actions have arises out of our personal investment and human feeling that we produce as part of living.

I suppose this has something to do with prediction and a little bit the death of god. Future events can never be known, and the degree to which we impose a predictive frame onto them, we impose a manifestation of our own beliefs, rather than a universalizable norm. Because future events are inherently un-perceivable, any reality we extrapolate originates in the perception of the present, rather than a truth. For me, this doesn’t mean I should give up on actions predicated on future events. Rather, it means I should act for the sake of the joy created by that action, instead of the notion that I know how the action will be realized. So: resist! not because it will create change, but because you can save your own soul when you know the extent of an oppression. Also: act! not because you can determine what follows next, but because you know how things have gone before, and change can be it’s own good.




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